Disgruntled “foot soldiers” put Bobi wine on the spot.

Our Reporter
11 Min Read

In a letter obtained by this post, dissatisfied party members accuse Bobi Wine of not providing financial support for their operations, despite the party having adequate funding. They claim that he instead shares the resources with his family members and a select few top leaders within the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Below is the said Document.


As NUP footsoldiers we would like to thank you for your end of year address. We also want to say we appreciate how you tackle a wide range of issues that included amplifying NRM’s(government) failures. What was and is still not clear is if our party NUP has a clear plan of its own for Uganda, our homeland. You took this opportunity to remind us of our comrades, about 19 in number, who had been “coerced to admit crimes they never commited”; the continued “abduction” of NUP supporters; “political prisoners” because of “bogus claims”; selective prosecution and the so-called government sponsored social media abusers.

As much as we take note and indeed remained concerned about the situation, we strongly believe the year 2025 should be a complete depature from what has characterised NUP for the last 3 years, namely; politics of tribalism which reduces our party to looking like a Ganda issue; politics of hatred and blackmail and divisiveness; loss of control of our party interests to foreign interests and agenda; allowing the LGBTQi agenda to be directly linked to the party by how we relate to the foreign entities pushing it; lack of respect for the Kabaka of Buganda; clamdestine dealings with the government we seek to remove; putting us in harm’s way by inducting us into criminality and political violence; failure to address internal contradictions which has weakened our party; allegations of corruption; and what looks like enrichment and etravagance of you and your family members. These and other things have generally demoralised us, the footsoldiers.

The NUP we have now is a shadow of the NUP we want. The NUP we want is one that functions as a normal party does, where the leaders inspire change through their messages( the words they speak and the lives they lead). The current approach is one of running a militia or launching armed rebellion, where the lives of footsoldiers are always at risk of ending up as prisoners or being caught in unnecessary cross fire. For how long? The NUP Political School at Kamwokya looked like beacon of hope; but the ideological lectures seemed to push for violent regime change, hatred and the like. Lessons in financial literacy and inclusion, would be preferred since we have to survive in the society. Finally, for trust, confidence and image to be rebuilt, we must address the issues that have lingered and potentially affected our credibility.

These are: In Sept 2020, you authorised the recruitment of several NUP footsoldiers to a safe house near Kasarani Sports Complex in Kenya for a form of military training. In Kenya, Mr. Babu Owino was your contact and a one Gladys who resides in Canada. A few of us participated and have returned here to Uganda and currently redundant! It is known to you that the safe house has remained open and is being run by a one Alex, and NUP blogger Yekolera resides there. Tawa of the of the Magyembere assault case was living there as CMI searched for him. In Oct 2020, under your instructions, a consignment of specially-made catapults was confiscated by security as it made its way to Uganda through Kenya. These were meant to be distributed to NUP foot soldiers so that they could use them on Ugandan security officers.

CP Enanga is on record displaying these catapults. In March 2021, the top leaders of NUP including yourself received $4M in cash from the Government meant for the us the lower foot soldiers to stop us from participating disruptive riots after the outcome of the elections. Where did this money go? Is it true that the new apartments and sino trucks you own were bought with this money? In January 2021, you publicly launched operation TAJJA-KULAYIRA (M7 won’t swear in) which involved of course the foot soldiers. The operation included use of locally made petrol bombs which were meant to burn government vehicles and petrol stations. As you well know, meetings to plan this were held at Chairman Fred Nyanzi’s home and were chaired by Maama Nsasagge Nakitende(who later run away to Canada where she lives), and attended by Machette and others.

The operation wasn’t successful even if the likes of Olivia Lutaaya, Sanya and others managed to burn cars at the URSB office on George Street. As we speak many of our foot soldiers are still rotting in jail. In September 2021, you planned and authorised the Masaka killings also known as Bijambiya killings. 26 people died because you sent Wamala to execute this mission in conjunction with our party MPs Sewanyana and Ssegirinya. You wanted government to take the blame of failing to protect her people, but the investigation put the blame squarely on us and up to now this is a stain on our party NUP.

In June 2021, you authorised six members of NUP South Africa Diaspora led by Ndugwa Ssemwogerere (now in Luzira prison) to form a rebel militia called the Uganda Coalition Forces for Change which killed 4 policemen in Busunju and Kiboga and took away their guns between Nov 2021 and Jan 2022. Ndugwa trained in Congo under a self-styled Militia General. Banange how did we get here????? Our fellow foot soldiers such as Commander Muto under your authorisation is in Luzira with the blood of the dead policemen on his hands. Meanwhile Muto’s family is fatherless. Kiki naye? Meanwhile in 2020, you sanctioned an operation where our foot soldiers used panyas to enter one of neighbouring countries in the SW for some form of training.

As we talk, these foot soldiers are here and redundant. The agitation is growing. Out of this training, one of the foot soldiers is linked to the killing of Isma Olaxes and the attempt on Pastor Bugingo’s life. Their crime was supporting Gen MK. Are we a breeding ground for criminals? Tell us!! It is an open secret within the party (NUP) that since 2020 we have been operating 3 drone cars. These cars carry out dirty operations like staged kidnaps so that we can blame government! Eyo mbozi tekyakwatta fire! Banange! Your disagreements with one of our senior leaders Hon. Mpuuga are so glaring but the key one was on a trip to the US where he asked why the affiliation of NUP to LGBTQi groups in the West is becoming increasingly pivotal and you answered that NUP needed their funding to survive. We never see the money and we are being defined by these affiliations.

You have failed to explain why many of our members have been left exposed after it came out that a racket of senior NUP leaders started a business to relocate them for work in Canada, Australia, Europe. The grounds on which they were relocated were put down to government persecution for being NUP members. Of course the governments of these different countries have since discovered that the reasons were unfounded. They have deported almost 100 people so far. And there is no refund!! The famous Kibalama, we are trying to claim is missing because of government is in Canada and his family knows it too.

The 18 missing people we keep singing about while hoodwinking the public about ‘human rights violations, are all out of the country with 2 of them in Qatar. Who are we going to rule over anyway of we are busy making sure people are leaving the country? For the past 4 years, not even one of these allegations most of which, you may or may not know have been responsible for the lack of enthusiasm within the party, a migration of foot soldiers away from the party.

Address at least those that have made it to the public domain and keep coming up like the $4m dollar story of money for foot soldiers and the fake asylum seeker claims and subsequent deportations!! Otherwise we have little confidence in throwing ourselves fully behind the party only to end up in jail because of being used for the agenda of political violence.

And all the while the lives of our leaders seem to be getting better and more secure! Stay Blessed

For: Concerned NUP Foot soldiers

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